Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Fold away book shop...

This is the only fold up shop I have come across so far… And this is in an interior space… Not outside. It is quite a simple design which fits its purpose designed by Campaign for the London Festival of Architecture 2010. I really like the huge paper clips at the top of each section.


Functional origami...

I love this fold up bag by Naoki Kawamoto! I like the way that the structure of the design is brightly contrasted against the panels which make the suitcase solid. 

This makes me wonder whether the structural elements should be exposed on only one side of the design… or whether they should be seen from both inside and outside of the mobile pop up shop…? As I wouldn't want to distract attention from Liannas garments it may be a good idea to keep the use of colour inside to a minimum and then use more on the exterior to reflect Liannas style to visitors before they enter...


I think this shelf, Hamachi by Danish designer Jakob Jorgensen, is amazing! Latex could be an ideal material for the structure I design due to its waterproof and durable qualities…

Model A’la Experiment by Rasmus Svingel

I love the angles and simple black and white structure by Rasmus Svingel. I also like the exposed construction details of the design. The design is made from coarse paper and metal rods which are soldered together… Metal rods may be a little too heavy for the design I’m trying to create as the whole unit needs to be mobile… However if wheels were added for easy mobility… This could work… Would need to think of another material to replace the paper though…

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Pop up office...

Pop up office made from cardboard designed by Liddy Scheffknecht and Armin B. Wagner.

The pop up nature of this project… The fact that it actually pops up and folds down is something I really want to create but in a high fashion retail way… It would also need to be weather proof as we tend to be ‘blessed’ with lots of rain in this country… So cardboard is out of the question for this!… Unless it is treated in some way of course…

Watch the design in action at http://vimeo.com/4197108  

Lets begin!

I have been looking at some pop up and folding structures/designs… It seems the list of interesting creations around this theme is never ending! There are a lot of pop up shops which exist within an actual space… But none which actually pop up in exterior spaces which can then easily be folded down to take to the next location which is what I’m aiming to create! This may be because my searching talents are not up to their usual weird and wonderful standards today… Or maybe what I’m doing is a completely new concept! This would be exciting… However we shall see!